Willkommen in unserem Blog

  • Meet our Cocomore Lions Academy

    A Fair Trade talent training program based in Turkana County that helps young people find work remotely and live a life full of opportunity.
  • Right-to-Left script done right in Drupal

    As developers living in a Western Country, a lot of us are used to build websites for left-to-right languages only and, depending on your clients and their markets, chances are high you might never have to worry about any other directional concept – until you suddenly do.
  • Recap DrupalCon Prague 2022

    Four of our colleagues at Cocomore happily packed their bags to travel to Prague and spend a few days with our fellow Drupal community members, partners of our agency, and clients.
  • Drupalcamp Zaragoza 2022: the deeply missed event is back!

    Until 2020 Drupalcamp was held every year in a different location in Spain, but since the advent of Covid, we haven’t had the chance to meet our friends and colleagues from the Spanish Drupal community. Now, circumstances have finally allowed us to hold large conferences again, and we couldn’t miss the chance.
  • The true-life experience of a Drupal Content Editor

    – we are only as good as the system is!
    I took on the mission of raising more awareness of how we feel as content editors at the end of a long line of website development, collecting my experiences, and applying for the online Drupal Con Europe 2021.