Link it like it’s hot! The times of the swipe-up GIFs on Instagram are over!

Since fall 2021, the swipe-up GIFs will only be left in our social media memories. From now on, it will be replaced by the “link” sticker on stories. Can small businesses and creators finally link to their products and services? Read below for more!
Sandra Bloem

For many years, only accounts with more than 10.000 followers could link products and websites in their stories with the “swipe-up” feature. For everyone else, there was only one way of linking services in their account biography. This is changing for the better now.


Who can use this option?

If you manage several Instagram accounts, you know that not every feature is immediately available for every Instagram account. Some users already had the link option months before the official announcement, and some will have it much later. So, the old ways of linking in your bio won't disappear, yet.

The criteria to get the link function seems unclear. But what is true is that accounts with less than 10.000 followers can get this feature, finally! This is a big change for small creators, or small brands that just started, and will have a great advantage in advertising. Also, it is user-friendly and makes it easier to generate views on the linked website, video, or article because no extra steps, as going to a profiles bio, are necessary anymore. 


How does it work?

Create your story, go to the sticker options and pick “link”. Add your preferred website and share your story. Viewers can easily click on the link and will be directed to the used website.

We tried it for you with an account with 500 followers, and it was available and working. Update your app and let us know, how it worked.

3 pictures explaining how to add link stickers to Instagram Stories

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Sandra Bloem

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Sandra ist seit Juni 2021 als Corporate Communication Manager und Social Media Editor bei Cocomore. Sie ist Teil unseres Teams im in Sevilla und schwärmt ständig von den Tapas in ihrer neuen Heimat. Neben der Erkundung Spaniens mit ihrer Kamera, lernt sie gerne neue Sprachen, philosophiert über Filme und Fernsehsendungen (sie hat etwas mit Medien studiert, *hust*) und verbringt ihre Zeit damit, den Algorithmus von Instagram, YouTube und TikTok zu knacken.